Letter: Response to The Other Side of the ADU Story


I’m responding to the letter from Rosanne Beam regarding “The other side of the ADU story”.  Ms. Beam’s comment regarding “Ms. Lewis’ tenants may have melded seamlessly into their neighborhood, but did all the cars meld seamlessly, too?” I’m sure that comment is not a personal slam, and it is not taken that way. However, to answer that concern, yes their one car has also melded quiet seamlessly. My home has a three-car garage and a three-car driveway, accommodating six cars total if needed. I own one car. I believe every ADU situation and impact will be different. Different in size, parking availability, etc. We can’t stereotype every ADU situation.

I believe my ADU experience was reported in this newspaper simply to point out that every ADU situation is different, and can be good. It is unfortunate to have the state mandating we add housing to our small, already crowded community. But it is what it is. I believe there might be an opportunity for us to handle this in our own unique ways, with some sense of style and responsibility. It certainly beats apartment buildings or condos. And where would we even put apartments? I have seen posts on Nextdoor of residents pointing out simply legalizing numbers of existing granny flats will help support that number of over 300 housing units we are required to provide. Some ADU’s may be built and used as family guest houses, never bringing additional congestion. We don’t know. But overall… we have no choice in ignoring a state mandate.

I am fortunate my home is zoned R2. I have always had the ability to add a second dwelling, and I have always planned to. My ADU has actually ticked off one of those numbers for what our town is required to provide.

The existing nightmare of neighborhood parking Ms. Beam refers to is unfortunate, and a very legitimate, nightmare concern throughout the town. And it is worsening by the day. This city needs more parking in general. My question is how do we seamlessly provide 300 plus new housing units that is now required by Sacramento without facing change and challenge.

I don’t believe the city would ever have imposed an ADU type situation on us if it were not state-mandated.

I hope collectively, we will get thru this and figure out ways to make the most of a situation we did not initiate.

Debbie Lewis, Laguna Beach

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