Letter: School Board Needs New Blood And Ideas!


After listening to the school board forum presented by Laguna Beach Republicans there is no question in my mind that we need change at the school board.

The current board, with the exception of board member Dee Perry, in my opinion is just not responsive to the needs and wants of the parents and students. Board member Jan Vickers seemed to have a hard time justifying the legal expenses against a student, the relentless continuation of the suit by the superintendent who lost the case both times in court, the needless marginalization of Perry and the obscure postings for board meetings so parents can’t participate.

We need transparency, we need board members who will listen to parents, we need board members who will direct the superintendent, not blindly and seemingly without questions, allow “their employee” to run the show. Sheri Morgan and Amy Kramer will bring back a parent/student centric board.

Please vote for them so that our voices will be heard and listened to—not shut down the way the current board is doing in my opinion.

Michèle Monda, Laguna Beach

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