Letter: The Climate Emergency Is Here


I liked Tom Osborne’s article regarding California is aflame. We are now in a climate emergency. We can no longer think about doing something about climate change in the future. I was so thankful that the Laguna Beach City Council this week unanimously endorsed the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act HR 763.  According to scientists, this bill is truly the best way to fight global warming. What will we do if our homes are destroyed by fire?  You probably hate to think about it.  Even if we survive, what about the air we breathe? We must talk to our friends about global warming and what we must do now so that our generation and future generations can survive.

Ginger Fitzpatrick, Laguna Beach

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  1. If hot air global warming is ruining the planet with forest fires, why do California Oregon Washington fires magically stop WHEN THEY COME TO THE CANADIAN BORDER?

    Because Canada has forestry pros that are allowed to clear deadwood and cut trees for lumber.

    You lunk-heads who think insects and little bunnies and birds in nature are so wonderful that 150 million dead trees lay around California now have to deal with fires — because you’re crazy. Plain and simple

  2. Climate change had nothing to do with the forest fires. The irresponsible Democratic kow towing to the environmentalists is to blame – as Jerry said – if you don’t clear the dead trees this will happen. It’s so ingenious of the Democratic regime to claim climate change. They need to look at their policies. When I was in Yosemite 2 years ago the ranger very specifically told us that the forest (which was on fire then and they were letting it burn) was in severe stress because there were too many trees to be supported by the land. She told us that the Indians knew way better – they would burn the forest every year to clear out the dead wood and make way for the new growth. We haven’t done that. AND so . . . we have these catastrophic forest fires. Wake up people – demand that we manage the forests better.


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