Letter: Tired by Not Stupid


I’m voting no on Prop P, the undergrounding/sales tax increase, that also tees up a $135+ million bond without voter approval. I’d vote no twice. Beyond all the rational reasons, two recent events solidified my vote.

First, was the police union and firefighters’ candidate forum. The majority of the questions were blatant money grabs by the unions along the lines of “what are you going to give us?” Sure seems like a “I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine” to do the city’s bidding pushing Measure P. Come contract renewal at the collective bargaining table with the city manager, will there be raises all around? I question the underlying objectivity of endorsements by paid city employees.

Second, targeted phone calls are being made to residents with the “fear and fire” and the “police and firefighters support it so you must vote for it” logic. I’m tired of that same old song and the selective facts and blatant misrepresentations promoted to push the sales tax increase. I’m tired but not stupid, so I read the proposed ordinance at www.lagunabeachcity.net/civicax/filebank/blobdload.aspx?BlobID=20663.

Read carefully Section 16(a) pertaining to the undergrounding of so called “evacuation routes.” Started out with just Laguna Canyon Road, now it’s up to 12 streets and the City Council can add more for “other areas,” whatever that means. I mean, either it’s necessary and identifiable now, or it’s not. This is entirely open ended. Read Section 16(b) that provides we will be paying for the utility connections on private property that property owners always had to pay for themselves. Another give-away in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Read Section 16(c) allowing the City Council to backdoor hundred million-dollar bonds without voter approval. Read Section 16(d) and (e) which lumps an open-ended grab basket of goodies unrelated to undergrounding. Read Section 16(f) cleverly says the tax money can’t be used for existing personnel, pensions and facilities, but leaves wide open any future new hires, pension payments and new fire and police stations. Read Section 17 with its “intent” language, which is not legally binding. Pure smoke up your arse. Last, read Section 18 establishing yet another toothless oversight committee. Now I’m tired and sick. This ordinance is a huge overreach and critically inept measure that does not protect Laguna Beach residents, it just grabs their money for things the city should already be budgeting for, not raising our taxes.

William Rousseau, Laguna Beach

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