Letter: Under-grounding is Good, Measure P Isn’t


The City Council ballot statement to Measure P misappropriates events to curry their cause. Fire is a deadly threat, but major Laguna Beach fires they identify have been caused by people, not poles. The National Park Service reports “As many as 90 percent of wildland fires in the United States are caused by humans.” (www.nps.gov)

Behind the scenes, the Council authorized a quarter-of-a-million dollars for a political consultancy to contrive fiscal scenarios toward a favorable-sounding measure proposal.

Their $5.6 million estimate of visitor generated funds is unclear in its composition: their measure will only tax “goods.” Residents will be paying more to buy from Coast Hardware, Bushard’s, or Rubel Jewelers.

The measure permits the Council to assess a bond measure to cover the shortfall, without resident approval. The bond could be $100 million, as covered in city presentation materials of 2016 and 2018. Someone born today in Laguna Beach could be paying on this as an adult.

The measure will let the Council buy property and pay the salaries and pensions of future city employees.

The measure lists 12 locations for pole removal, but read it carefully: the Council can “remove, modify, or prioritize projects…due to cost, environment impact, feasibility and related considerations.” In other words, do nothing the measure specifies.

And the final humorous aspect to all of this is the Council’s argument of auto collisions with utility poles. They have yet to show how utility poles run into an automobile.

Undergrounding is a good idea, Measure P isn’t.

Rob Alen, Laguna Beach

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