Letter: Village Entrance Comments Fall on Deaf Ears


We were surprised by the unanimity of the Laguna Beach Arts Commission’s support of the proposed Village Entrance sculpture, despite overwhelming rejection by residents who took the time to attend and speak at the Aug. 26 meeting. Following public comment, it appeared that some members read from prepared statements. Although other members pledged to bring public comments to the artist, we have concerns. It seems the commission has not really consulted with the public nor worked with the City of Laguna Beach while the city completed the first phase of the Village Entrance. As a result, this art installation will take out part of the recently improved $11 million dollar walkway—a waste of precious city time and taxpayer money; also a clue that neither the commission nor the artist really worked with the city, and have not taken a hard look at the site. The bright colors do not blend with the earth tones of the hills, the Festival of Art’s rammed earth walls, nor the canyon. While airy, the proposed structure is larger than our City Hall (likely to block canyon views). We commend the commission on choosing an artist with an international reputation for our “Welcome to Laguna” art piece, but we feel a project of this size and import requires more due process. It should be staked (with a nearby model) and open to public comment before City Council. This would open up the process and allow many more residents to evaluate the project for themselves.

Ellen and Roger Kempler, Laguna Beach

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  1. In a recent article it was stated “The artist’s focus is to enhance the visual identity of a place,” and so, the Arts Commission delivers the visual identity of Laguna Beach as a huge garish ice cream cone, that while impressive, just doesn’t fit and would require ripping out part of the hardscape just installed. Add this to the list of artistic misses and include the creepy hoodie-thugs-shooting- arrows display currently on the city hall’s lawn. I get that art should challenge you and make you think but with my tax money, I’d like my art to soar elegantly and have folks go “Wow,” not “Huh?” More art by local artists that’s pleasing, please.


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