Letter: What is the Chamber of Commerce hiding?


At the May 26 City Council Meeting Assistant City Manager Dupuis stated that the Chamber was giving the city $20,000 for the $35,000 parking structure study.  It turns out that the Chamber got seven donations of $1,000 to $5,000.  But they will not divulge who these people are. Why do you think? Is it because these people want residents to pay for a parking structure that residents don’t need? Are they hiding behind a non-profit to get the result that they want without having to be honest about their motives? And the Chamber is busy giving them cover for their deception. You watch – the parking study, paid for by this interest group, will come out in favor of a structure at the location that they’ve already picked out behind City Hall.  A self-fulfilling prophecy paid for by hidden money.  Laguna – is this how you want your government run?  Hidden agendas by a few people who will stick residents with the cost.  Once the funds are comingled residents have a right to know who is financing this study that will affect them. 

Anne Caenn, Laguna Beach

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  1. Anne C.
    Let’s see, the Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce, a non-profit 501(c)6 accepts financial donations to fulfill their business community goals and won’t acknowledge the generous donors? Interesting. Usually Chambers can’t wait to promote such support contributions to encourage more giving. Sadly, they have created suspicion about their activities. Hopefully it won’t affect the local businesses they represent nor their ability to fundraise. Bottom line: Transparency = Trust.

  2. Jesus. Since when is Village Laguna a conspiracy theory spreading organization? We should be thankful there are residents that are willing to help offset the cost of the initial study. Do you guys feel the need to complain about everything? For your information a structure would be used by many locals, and a majority of people are in support of this. Anne – this sounds like a Michelle Monda column/Laguna Residents First propaganda. Your group has attempted to stop a structure at all costs for years in hopes of preventing people from coming to Laguna. Maybe you guys should have a heart to heart with the Coastal Commission. Let them know you are sick of visitors and want to do everything in your power to turn Laguna into a gated retirement community like “Leisure World”.


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