Letter: You Can’t Restore What Is Lost


I read with excitement the letter in the Indy from the self-described “Young Minds.” When I first came to Laguna many years ago, I also considered myself a “young mind.” Like so many “young minds” who preceded me and worked to save Laguna Canyon, limit multi-story hotels on our bluffs and preserve our historic buildings, I marched with other “young minds” to preserve Aliso Creek in its natural state, worked to preserve the Treasure Island Beach from privatization, limit the impact of tourists and traffic on our daily lives, etc.

Our Village has been threatened many times since the 20’s and 30’s by developers. We would look and feel much differently today if those “young minds” that preceded us did not work to preserve the best of Laguna.

On the art issue: Laguna has always protected and supported our artists. Our status as an art colony is not just an empty slogan, but a daily commitment from all our residents. Think about all of the public and private money invested in art and in the infrastructure to make art available to all.

I do not understand how refusing to approve a public art proposal that was not created locally, is so expensive and was developed without the approval of our local artists and residents can “tarnish the hope, motivation, and progress of any artist in our community.”

Yes, physical age is not a condition to be a “young mind.” So, “Young Minds,” welcome to the public square. Since you will reap what we all sow, I urge you to think carefully about what you support. History teaches that one can never restore what is lost. Look to the communities on our borders for what could happen to Laguna if developers have their way. Don’t leave the next generation a modern wasteland devoid of any history and connection to the past.

Armando Baez, Laguna Beach

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  1. Armando, Young minds are preferable to simple minds like yours. Please spare us the “Village Laguna saved us from turning into Miami” BS. Hasn’t this false narrative gotten old for you? It sure has for me!

  2. Armando: The statement in your letter that most resonates for me is “history teaches that one can never restore what is lost.”

    When I was growing up, Newport Beach and Laguna looked the same. Newport’s politics led to a very developer permissive environment and you can see what happened. I would hate for Laguna to turn into a second version of Newport and lose the wonderful ambience that it currently has. Once lost, it will never be regained.

  3. Thanks, Armando, for your gentle and wise words of advice to all of us! A lot is at stake now and the developer pressures are strong and not always pretty (as evidenced, yet again, by the predictably boorish comments above from Peter Blake, who is on our council only due to their $$$ backing.)
    No matter how loudly people like Peter Blake scream, intimidate and bully, they can’t change the truth. It’s no exaggeration that our town would not stand out as one of the coolest, and most interesting destinations on the Southern California coast, had residents not rallied together to rein in developer financial interests. Why else would Blake and his development friends spend so much energy vilifying any grass-roots group that stands up for the quality of life of all residents and visitors? All you have to do is see how Huntington Beach and Dana Beach have turned out. They can never recapture their original eclectic hipness as beach towns. We can still have change and progress, and it doesn’t need to be at the expense of our historic buildings, ocean views, open laid-back vibe, and connection with our natural beauty.

  4. Wow, Mr. Blake. I haven’t met you and so had reserved judgment thus far. But your insulting and crass retort (“simple minds”?) to a heartfelt and positive letter certainly doesn’t show you in a favorable light. Doesn’t a position on the City Council mandate at least a modicum of respect toward one’s constituents?

  5. Mark, Armando Baez, and Janine Robinson are ruthless political activists who employ every dirty trick imaginable to get their way for Village Laguna. Lying is only the first step of the program. They play a passive/aggressive game and know the language to speak to get their way.

    A position on City Council does encourage respect for constituents who are worthy of respect. These two are worthy of nothing. My constituents require I stand up and fight those who oppose the changes I was elected to enact. They’re only attacking me because of the votes I’ve won against them and their Luddite followers.

  6. OMG Im speechless. How does anyone who speaks like Peter Blake ever get on City Council? Please Mr. Blake step down. No one that disrespectful should be representing our community.

  7. I’ll decide if I want to step down in 3 years when my term is up. Until then I’ll continue to work on behalf of those who elected me. Fortunately for them, unlike you, I’m not speechless!

  8. Thanks Mr. Baez for offering your perspective to this new community group. I agree with your words of wisdom. I hope they will select positive and respected role models in our community for insight and advice as they evolve. It’s wonderful to see more young adults getting involved and active in our community. Hopefully, they will use their voices to protect Laguna’s uniqueness as they take the lead and move it forward.


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