Letter:Short Coastal Trolley Should Reach Bus Depot


In a half page announcement in the Laguna summer community services brochure, the city transit department says, “The short coastal trolley will have a new northbound and southbound stop at Beach Street between Broadway and Ocean. From there, it is just a short walk to the bus depot for service to north Laguna along Coast highway.” This is absurd! Why can’t the short coastal trolley go to the bus depot for the convenience of visitors and locals? I think last summer was the worst managed trolley operation in history. Spots at the depot to get on and off OCTA buses going to the freeway parking lots and use trolleys were changed from time to time to the dismay and confusion of visitors and local residents, and waiting times on Coast Highway were often 45 minutes or an hour, especially at night. It looks like we are in for another terrible trolley operation this summer.


Roger Carter, Laguna Beach

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