Locals Win Watchdog Awards

(L-R) Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer, Jennifer Zeiter of STOP, Emil Monda of LBGOP, Auditor-Controller Eric Woolery, and OC Taxpayers Association president Carolyn Cavecche at OCTA’s annual luncheon. Photo courtesy of Jennifer Zeiter.

The Orange County Taxpayers Association (OCTA) recently presented Watchdog Award certificates to Jennifer Zeiter of STOP (Stop Taxing Our Property), Emil Monda, president of the Laguna Beach GOP, and David Ruben of the Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce, for “demonstrating dedication to the protection of taxpayer funds and for the advocacy of government transparency and fiscal responsibility.”

Zeiter, Monda and Ruben led the charge against the failed Measure P sales tax increase in Laguna Beach during the 2018 election.

The awards were presented at the OCTA annual luncheon for the State of the County report, held at the Center Club in Costa Mesa. Eric Woolery, Orange County Auditor-Controller gave a review of the CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) for the county for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2018, which the OC Taxpayers Association calls the “Citizens’ Report” to keep the county fiscally accountable.

Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer was presented with the Taxpayer Watchdog of the Year Award for his work to keep Orange County fiscally responsible and transparent.

Other attendees included City Council members from Newport Beach, Irvine and Costa Mesa.


Transgender Workshop Offered at LBUMC

The community is invited to learn how to become welcoming and inclusive of trans people at an informative workshop, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 24, at Laguna Beach United Methodist Church. Rex Wilde, who is transgender and the son of Pastor Lynn Francis, will lead the workshop. “Transgender people come from every racial and ethnic background and from every faith community. They are your classmates, your co-workers, your neighbors, and your friends,” Wilde said. LBUMC, a Reconciling Church, is located at 21632 Wesley Drive. For more information, call 949-499-3088 or visit info@lbumc.org.


Love Blooms at “Messy Church”

“All You Need is Love,” will be the theme at “Messy Church” on Sunday, Feb. 24, from 4-6 p.m. at Laguna Beach United Methodist Church, 21632 Wesley Drive. The program will offer a variety of group activities, including crafts, skits, experiments, and a meal to foster community and bring scripture passages about love to life. “Messy Church” originated in the United Kingdom to find a way to assist non-church members on their spiritual journey and is offered each month. “Messy Church” leader Barbara Crowley emphasizes that families and people of all ages are invited, especially those who don’t feel comfortable in a conventional church setting. For more information, contact LBUMC at 949-499-3088 or info@lbumc.org.


A Discussion About the Future of San Onofre

Charles Langley and Nina Babiarz of Public Watchdogs, a non-partisan 501(c)3 California corporation chartered to protect California businesses and residents from the California Public Utilities Commission, will speak at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, Feb. 24, at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 429 Cypress Drive, about the current investigation by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission of the now shuttered San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station in San Diego county. Public Watchdogs believes that both the state and federal governments have failed to protect the citizens of California by removing vitally important emergency response capabilities at San Onofre.

Langley, founder of Public Watchdogs, has been a public advocate for more than 20 years and focuses his efforts on energy issues. Babiarz, a board member and treasurer of Public Watchdogs, began her career in Pittsburgh as an engineering and construction news reporter. For additional information, contact Rachel Daniels at 310-714-2699 or bpdaniels215@gmail.com.


Learn a 5,000-year-old Language

Chabad Jewish Center, 30804 S. Coast Highway, is offering a crash course in Hebrew reading on Mondays at 7 p.m. beginning Feb. 25. No prior knowledge of Hebrew alphabet necessary. RSVP to perel@chabadoflaguna.com. Cost is $50.


Chamber Installation Mixer Next Week

The Chamber of Commerce’s Installation Mixer has been rescheduled for Feb. 28 at 5 p.m. at the Laguna Beach Brewery & Grille, located at 237 Ocean Avenue. This will be a casual event. Admission is $15 for chamber members and $20 for non-chamber members. Join the chamber in celebrating the incoming 2019 Board of Directors.
RSVP at social@lagunabeachchamber.org or call 949-494-1018.


February GOP Meeting Scheduled

The Laguna Beach Republicans (LBGOP) will hold their next meeting on Thursday, Feb. 28, at Mozambique, 1740 S. Coast Highway from 6-7:15 p.m. The meeting is preceded by a social hour at 5 p.m. All Republicans, Independents and Libertarians are invited. Emil and Michele Monda will discuss the CAGOP Convention in Sacramento and GOP plans to win back seats in Congress and in Sacramento.

“The LBUSD board’s failure to act in accordance with its bylaws and what legal remedies [LBGOP] may seek if they do not name Dee Perry as president of the LBUSD,” will also be discussed, according to a statement released by Emil Monda, LBGOP president.

RSVP to highspeed8@aol.com.


City Accepting Committee Applications

The City Council is accepting applications to fill one seat on the Heritage Committee. Interviews and appointments will be conducted on Tuesday, March 19, at 6 p.m. by the City Council in the City Council Chambers, 505 Forest Avenue. Laguna Beach residents who are interested in serving on the Heritage Committee should obtain an application from the City Clerk’s office or online from the city’s website, www.lagunabeachcity.net, and file by Tuesday, March 5, at 5 p.m. Questions may be directed to the City Clerk’s office at 949-497-0705. Applications will not be accepted after the March 5 deadline.


South Coast Water District Announces Video Contest

Students in grades 11 or 12 who reside in the South Coast Water district service area are invited to make a 60-second to two-minute Public Service Announcement video about the importance of water reliability and where it comes from. Individuals or groups may enter. Copyrighted images or music may not be used, and the last scene must incorporate the South Coast Water district logo.

Entries will be judged on production quality, entertainment value, creativity and success in incorporating the theme message.

First, second and third place winners will receive $2,500, $1,000 and $750 scholarship awards, respectively. The winner’s school will receive a $500 bonus and the school with the most entries will win $250. Call the water district at 949-499-4555 to verify eligibility to enter. Deadline is May 13. More information at:www.scwd.org/depts/public_information/scholarship_video_contest/default.htm.



Neurosurgeon and spine surgeon Dr. Jason Liauw, of Laguna Beach, will lead the new MemorialCare Neuroscience Institute at Saddleback Medical Center in Laguna Hills.

 Laguna Local to Head New Neuroscience Institute

Neurosurgeon and spine surgeon Dr. Jason Liauw, of Laguna Beach, will lead the new MemorialCare Neuroscience Institute at Saddleback Medical Center in Laguna Hills.

Liauw graduated from Stanford University School of Medicine, where he was recognized with the highest distinction awarded to those in the Medical Scholars program. Liauw completed his neurosurgery residency training at Johns Hopkins Department of Neurosurgery, where he was chief of service in 2014. He has won numerous awards and has published over 30 peer reviewed scientific articles and book chapters and has given a multitude of plenary talks. His areas of focused specialty clinical practice include complex and minimally invasive spine surgery and brain tumor surgery.

The new Institute offers Centers of Excellence for stroke and neurological interventional treatment, spine health, skull base brain tumors, neurological rehabilitation, fall prevention, Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis.


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