Meet City Council Candidate Louis Weil


Since May, 39-year-old City Council candidate Louis Weil has been campaigning for one of the three empty seats available in the Nov. 8 election on a platform focused on the Laguna Beach family.

The father of two young sons, a Little League coach, and PTA member, Weil said one of his goals, if he was voted into office, is to create a more family-friendly environment in Laguna Beach.

“The population is aging, and we need a fresh influx of younger residents to maintain the vibrancy of our town,” he said.

Weil graduated from Arizona State, where he majored in communications with minored in business and justice. From there, he worked as sales director for Wrigley, in charge of sales and promotion teams and is now a realtor, keeping travel to a minimum so he can enjoy family life. 

Weil has served on the Design Review Board for three years, two as chairperson. He’s also served on the Affordable Housing Task Force and Chamber of Commerce. Weil is one of only two candidates endorsed by the Orange County League of Conservation Voters. The other is Alex Rounaghi.

Weil also said one of the key components that’s missing in the Laguna Beach City Council is generational representation. 

“I’m of a different age group. One that has a family here in town. One that’s connected to a multi-generational family,” Weil said. “To be that approachable person who’s in a different phase of life – I think it’s important to our community because people love Laguna Beach, and they want to be connected. But sometimes, a big portion of our population doesn’t have the connectivity. But being on soccer fields and being connected to schools and organizations that are different from some of our current sitting members brings out approachability to many more people.”

On the Design Review Board, Weil led the way in streamlining criteria for small projects so that they are now heard in a significantly shorter time, 30 – 60 days instead of six months. 

“Air conditioners, for example, are key to health and safety in this time of climate change: we developed a set of simple criteria, so residents knew what they needed to do for faster approval,” Weil said. “As I am involved with Design Review Board, a lot of people had an experience of working with me early on. That connection was really positive for a lot of folks – to see someone running for Council who has experience working on the boards working with the public process. And that’s one of the things that inspired me. In terms of conversations with organizations and other entities in town, I’ve been approachable. I’ve met with most of them that were willing.”

What Laguna Beach residents may not know about Weil is that he has an identical twin brother. 

He has been attending half of the events and walking neighborhoods on my behalf and no one has noticed,” Weil joked. I’m kidding, I have a twin, but he lives in Colorado. Residents can expect my approachability and good humor to be my biggest asset for this leadership role, along with my experience in City matters.”

When it comes to Measure Q, Weil said it is a simple no on Q.

“The proposal is riddled with complexities that are not a right fit approach for Laguna Beach,” he said. “In my opinion, if Q passes, it will create more legal issues for Laguna Beach than it will solve.”  

“Bottom line, it’s all about balance and reasonable solutions. I’m independent and will listen to all sides of an issue. I’m not a Johnny-come-lately candidate driven by partisan or single-issue motives. I’ll attack every issue to make Laguna a better place for all residents: safety, parking and traffic solutions, preservation of our unique heritage, homelessness, affordable housing, ensuring our fire and police departments are fully staffed and more.”

To find out more about Weil, visit 

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  1. Mr. Weil seems like a good father and a nice guy. Nevertheless, I do not feel he would be good for the role of city council member at this time. I want someone that will take the role of Laguna Beach city council as a top priority and that person is not Louis Weil.

    Louis says he’s an independent thinker. He says he will listen to all but make his own decisions. This was a question I heard asked him asked over and over about his in-laws, the MacGillivray’s. The MacGillivary’s are a very well know family in town. They are very politized and polarized about what they believe is right and wrong. This is a family that has children working for them in the family business, including Louis Weil’s wife. Mr. MacGillivary clearly like to have control. Louis Weil lives in a nice home on the water, neighboring some of the most expensive properties in Laguna. It was bought and paid for by his in-laws. My concern is that if a man has everything bought and paid for by his in-laws, wouldn’t that make him bought and paid for by the MacGillvary’s? How independent can he be if he doesn’t even pay his own way in life?

  2. It would be fantastic to have minimum requirements to run for Council. Candidates must have: 1.) A working knowledge of accounting and finance, 2.) Comprehensive understanding of Macro and Micro Economics, 3.) Business Experience with Administrative and Legal Operations, 4.) Verified PROFIT Making business management, 5.) Academic Studies in Public Policy. Fine if you want to run, study up for the test. Why should we elect stooges to spend our money? We need fresh educated insightful leaders. Not ‘why can’t we all get along and save the environment” (from development) airheads suffering from wife-supremacy.

  3. Mr. Weil is an example of S+A=B: Secularism plus affluence equals boredom. And boredom, in the contemporary world, leads to leftism. He’s needs something to do.

  4. When I read Ms. Jackson’s comments I found MacGillivray’s website and was agahst to learn this family’s trust fund went to make surf movies? And now their film productions are predominantly funded by non-profit venues, museums, and the like. It’s clear, that Mr. Weill is would be a Council puppet placeholder, who obtained a real estate agent license. His professional background is very dicey at best. We can certainly find more value in another more experienced candidate.

  5. Louis Weil refuses to say who he supported in the 2020 election (Biden or Trump). I’ve asked Weil on 3 occasions and each time, he obfuscates like a typical politician. Weil did not receive my vote or the people I had conversations with.


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