Nature’s Balancing Act



One of the most amazing thing we’ve learned about coyotes in the past few years, is that if humans begin to kill them off, the number of pups per litter increases, so their survival is guaranteed.

Isn’t nature amazing?

Also, if we start killing, we would be overrun with rabbits and rats which is what the coyotes are really after.  That’s exactly what happened at Laguna Woods when hunters were called in to begin the slaughter.

Based on the number of rats that Laguna Beach is facing (traps are everywhere), I say let the coyotes do their jobs.   Rats have been seen on my roof, hanging off my bird feeder which I was forced to stop using.    Rats are out there at night eating the fruit falling off my loquat tree. I know I’m not the only one complaining about the rats.


Frances Heussenstamm, Ph.D, Laguna Beach

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