Opinion: Finding Meaning


Remembering and Honoring D-Day

Chatting with neighbors, I realized that due to travel, I had missed observing both Memorial Day and the anniversary of D-Day. Our neighbor, Helen DiMare, mentioned her father, a platoon leader in the invasion of Sicily and Salerno, was captured and then escaped in Italy. I thought you would want to know the rest of the story.

Richard A Morris grew up in Boulder, Colorado where his parents operated a candy store. He joined the army in World War II, rising to Staff Sergeant in the 157th Infantry Regiment during General George S. Patton’s invasion of Italy. He left behind a history in which he honestly acknowledged the fears of combat and his intent reading of Crane’s “Red Badge of Courage.”

Morris overcame his fears and successfully led his platoon in the landings at Sicily and Salerno. He was later captured with his platoon and taken prisoner. After time as a POW, his camp was moved north by train ahead of advancing Allied Forces. At a key bridge, the train was attacked by U.S. bombers. Morris had a gift for languages and overheard the guards planning to flee the train for safety, to the west. Morris, a friend, and about 150 prisoners escaped the damaged cars and headed the other way.

Morris and his friend successfully escaped to the countryside where “generous and hospitable” farmers provided food and refuge. After six months, Morris was liberated by advancing Allied Forces, given an honorable discharge and sent home. Back in New York City, he placed a call to the Morris Candy Store in Boulder. When the operator inquired if they would accept a collect call from Sergeant Richard Morris, as he later recalled in his history, he heard “happy screams from the other end of the line.”

This isn’t meant to glamorize war, though it’s sometimes necessary to preserve our freedoms, but to remember those who patriotically serve. Once, writing a family history, I researched family members in World War II: My grandfather built military bases, my grandmothers and parents worked there (my father had a crippled hip and couldn’t serve), my aunts were “Rosie the Riveters” and my uncles served in the various armed forces. We were a nation unitedly at war; everyone did something.

One uncle, Don Bosworth, served with the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, attached to the famed 82nd Airborne Division for D-Day. Of D-Day, he had two lasting memories: On the flight over, a clearing in the clouds revealed under the moonlight an inspiring sight—an immense 6,000-ship flotilla spread across the English Channel. It gave him comfort, to see so much help on the way. His next memory was at a Normandy farmhouse, of the warm, welcoming hug of the French housewife for this young conqueror. He served well, was wounded three times, and won a Silver Star for gallantry in battle. It’s good that we record, honor and remember those who guard our liberties. There’s meaning in that.

Skip fell in love with Laguna on a ‘50s surfing trip. He’s a student of Laguna history and the author of “Loving Laguna: A Local’s Guide to Laguna Beach.” Email: [email protected]

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