Your Soul Voice
Let’s explore your relationship with your intuition. Strengthening your knowledge about this gift may be exactly what your core self is craving.
Intuition loves intimacy. It relishes making connections and building relationship bridges. It withholds, retreats, and withdraws its participation when faced with judgmental, isolating, harsh, or aggressively demanding people and situations.
It flourishes in environments that encourage acceptance, curiosity, wondering, imagining, and musing. Kindness and enthusiasm please it, and it will return the gift in kind.
Intuition loves to delve. Secrets intrigue it. It has eyes that see through pretense and can be quite fierce and confrontational when lied to.
Intuition pries things open and pins things down, so it is not to be taken lightly. It has ears that hear beyond the mundane into the very heart and soul of issues.
Intuition is self-preserving, and if you invite it into your life, it will sense directions that will yield the most benefit for your soul growth. It can tell you where betrayals are brewing. When you are confused, it can penetrate past surface bad behaviors and actions to uncover the scared child within.
It can shift your path from a habitual attitude of “who cares?” to one of “let me sense, see, hear and know all that is available to me.” Intuition is your soul voice speaking, and all you have to do is listen.
Actually, listening will come to you fairly easily right after you’ve decided to really hear. It is the hearing part that takes some effort and commitment.
Let me say this another way. Intuition detests apathy. It requires attention. Even before attention, it must have a clear intent from you to court it. Yes, court. I can almost hear your response. “Oh no, this is starting to sound like work. A new relationship that is not one I can take for granted!”
Look on the bright side. When you intentionally set out to establish a relationship with your intuition, it will assist you in being more at ease in all your relationships. You may be thinking, “I don’t have the energy for this. Given my overloaded and demanding schedule, I am exhausted as it is, trying to keep up with the relationships I already have.”
Let’s take another look at how we are currently using our energy. Most of us have been taught to approach our lives with determination. We set our goals. We strive to accomplish them. We use persistent, focused determination to achieve predetermined results.
There is another kind of energy available to us. I will call it the energy of enthusiasm. It is unbridled. Exuberant. Responsive. It lives in the moment. Intuition thrives in this environment.
The mistake we can easily make is to live our lives solely driven by determination while secretly hoping that enthusiasm will miraculously show up. It doesn’t work that way.
When you lose vitality and enthusiasm for your pursuits, stop for a moment and turn your attention inward. Put aside your long list of what you believe you have to do and what you should be doing for just a moment. Ask yourself a different question. “If I had no restrictions, what would I love to do right now?” Allow your imaginative mind to whisk you away for a few moments. You may find yourself on a quiet beach, snuggled under your covers for a leisurely nap, or you may simply be gifted with a moment of undisturbed quiet, time. Your intuition can serve you by feeding up mental pictures that can soothe your soul.
What sparks your creativity? What ignites your enthusiasm? What feeds your soul? How do you regenerate your energy? Where is your zest for life? What touches your heart? What do you long for? Are you allowing yourself enough self-nurturance and self-care to keep your vitality high? These types of questions open a genuine conversation with your inner wisdom.
Remember, intuition is your soul voice speaking. Turn your attention inward and take a few moments to really listen.
Susan is a local author of “Beyond Intellect: Journey into the Wisdom of Your Intuitive Mind.”