Parents Reverse Roles and Return to School


Parents can learn how to curb negative behavior by adolescents during a parent workshop on Wednesday nights that begins Jan. 28, says a district statement.

The free 6:30-9:30 p.m. course is aimed at parents of middle-school and high-school aged students and will be held at the Susi Q Senior Center, 380 Third St.

Marriage and family therapist Laura Rivas will suggest ways parents can improve student attendance and intervene with alcohol or drug use.

“There are so many new obstacles and challenges that teenagers face now that weren’t present when we were growing up,” said coordinator Amy Kernan. “Laura does a great job providing answers to questions and resources regarding how parents can best help their kids navigate through high school and beyond.”

Parents can register through their child’s school counselor or by contacting Rivas at (949) 791-7839 or at [email protected]


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