A Plea to the ‘Unchurched’



   Here is a New Year resolution for about 15 percent of Laguna Beach residents to consider.  The 15 percent are those who do not associate with the 19 or so faith organizations that the remaining 85 percent of Laguna Beach residents associate with.  They are whom I call the unchurched. For apparently unfounded reasons, they are closeted about being unchurched, concerned that that information may be socially unacceptable and jeopardize their social, career and professional relationships. And at what cost?  Being dishonest to themselves and to others, and misjudging the character of churchgoers. 

Give the 85 percent the opportunity to do unto others as they want done unto themselves.  Let them practice what they’re preached. 

So, 15 percenters, stop living a lie and be proud of who and what you are. Anyway, if someone cannot accept the truth of who you are, you’re better off without them. “To thine own self be true.” Remember the rallying cry of a game you played as kids, “Come out, come out, wherever you are!”

I proudly did so many years ago without any problems.


Niko Theris, Laguna Beach



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