Preservation Includes Respect for all Creatures



Re: “Pet Owners Schooled on Scaring Off Coyotes,” Aug. 23.

I sincerely have heart felt sympathy toward any pet owner that has lost their beloved animal. 

The problem lies in our perception to our local environment that we share with these wild animals. 
We should stop to think what would happen if the coyote did not exist here.

There are no existing permanent boarders separating the domestic and wild residents of our small city.
 Because of these merging points of overlap opportunities for contact occur. 
The adaptability of the coyote is well known and dens can be found through out the landscape.

Do not let your pet outside unaccompanied or walk your pet at night or during the twilight hours of dusk or dawn. The same holds true for daylight hours associated with inclement weather when light from the sun is obscured by clouds or fog.

If you own a home with a yard, construct an animal proof fence. Caged runs are the most effective.

The fact is we are surrounded by a green belt, preserved by us. And with this carries the responsibility to the conservatorship of its contents. 
The current position is filled by the state Department of Fish and Wildlife. And most of us know this is severely under staffed and funded.

Other animals live in our green belt besides the coyote. The coyote is the most interactive and intelligent member of these animals. Dogs have a long relationship with humans which dates back to the earliest human existence. 
Between us our interactions are constructed based on each of our species needs.
 In all probability beside as a food source, coyotes use domesticated dogs they find and deem worthy to help promote their gene pool.

Coyotes are acting conservators, albeit interim landlords of the green belt. 
They help manage imbalance in their environment from intrusion by invading animal species including domesticated pets or their offspring that are abandoned and have become feral.
 By throwing rocks at our ancestral partners we only insult the initial intent to protect and preserve the green belt for future generations, which obviously includes the wildlife therein.

All species of animals which are native inhabitants of the green belt need us to understand how they are all connected intrinsically to our environment and why the green belt ultimately wouldn’t exists if not for them.

Hector L. Suerte, Laguna Beach

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  1. I wanted to add any actions taken towards animal life reflects directly upon our own existence.

    For example, recent implementation of GPS “Tagging” of Great White Sharks, if this was used upon other species of predatory animals that do not hold special endangered status they could be nearly eradicated with impunity, misunderstanding their true purpose and be labeled as a nuisance.

    50 years ago looking southeast across Aliso Canyon an the cities at night the lights from the urban sprawl would be confined to the north of El Toro road.
    No light could be seen between here and Saddleback.
    Now there is only Aliso Canyon.

    And all we can be concerned with still is where we are going to park the cars.

    We sign our own fate when we do not seek to protect those who can not protect themselves.


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