Re: It’s Carbon Fee and Dividend Time


I was pleased to read Tom Osborne’s letter to the editor regarding the urgency for Congress to pass the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act, HR763.  The lost lives due to COVID-19 will be nothing compared to what could happen if we do not act now to fight global warming.

Just this year the fires have burned four times more land in California than last year. Just think what could happen to Laguna when we have our Santa Ana winds. Some insurance companies now find that Laguna Beach is too much of a risk for home fire insurance and will not renew home policies.

According to scientists, this bill is the best solution to fight global warming. Both parties support HR 763. All the money that the government collects will be returned to us. What is there not to like. Please write to [email protected] prior to Sept. 8 to endorse the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act.

Ginger Fitzpatrick, Laguna Beach

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