Residents Gather to Remember Landslide 40 Years Later

: (From left) John Slowsky, Jane Slowsky, Clara Candelaria, Jake Candelaria, and hosts Lyn Sharp and Bill Sharp go through articles and photos from the 1978 Bluebird Canyon landslide during a gathering on Oct. 2. Photo by Mitch Ridder.

Dozens of residents gathered at the home of Lyn and Bill Sharp on Tuesday, Oct. 2, to share memories of the 1978 Bluebird Canyon landslide that destroyed 24 homes and displaced 47 families.

The landslide, which began at 5:55 a.m. on Oct. 2, 1978, lasted about 40 minutes and caused an estimated $10 million in damage to private and public property. But it also resulted in the banding together of neighbors, city leaders and community members, who joined forces to help many of the affected residents rebuild.

For an in-depth look at the 1978 landslide and the community that rallied together to rebuild, check out next week’s edition of the Indy.

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