Respecting Beliefs



Question for Mr. Niko Theris: What do you hope to accomplish with your “courageous” desecration of the Bible? What message do you bring to the table that would rival the account of God’s infinite love for humanity, as demonstrated in the ultimate sacrifice of Christ? And the command to love God supremely, and our neighbor as ourself?

Certainly, the freedom and prosperity that we have enjoyed would not have been possible without the contributions and sacrifices of those whose faith and morality was instilled by the Bible. It is tragic that so many in our society have abandoned these truths, and that a few corrupt priests and ministers have polluted some of our churches.

It is also unfortunate that we seem to have lost the ability to respect the beliefs and opinions of those with whom we disagree, without resorting to juvenile acts of destruction.


Steve Klumb,

Laguna Beach

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