Silence Is Not Golden



At the April 17 meeting, the City Council sat silent when discussion emerged. On “sanctuary” cities, Council members sat like mummies as Kelly Boyd refused to put the subject on the agenda.

I have news for you Mr. Boyd and other council members; it is a dereliction of duty to ignore the mandate of the federal government to not arrest illegal criminals who are within our city. This is not a lovey dovey position about caring for illegals that live peacefully in our community but rather a policy of following federal law and deporting dangerous persons.

Since when has City Council decided to ignore federal mandates putting the safety of our community at risk? If anyone is hurt or killed by an illegal immigrant’s action, the city, therefore us, will be morally and financially responsible for all damages. Following the example the council has set, I have decided to pick and chose which city ordinances I intend to follow. From now on I intend to walk my dog Oliver on the beach any time of day, fall, winter, spring and summer.


Dr. Debby Bowes, Laguna Beach



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  1. Sorry about your paranoia…If you seriously feel at risk, maybe you need to do some reading up on the subject…I live here and completely agree with disregarding virtually anything this current “government” tries to do to hurt folks just to appeal to his racist base…Trump supporters are far more dangerous and frightening than your boogie man illegals…

  2. Marshall, again you show your blind eyed view of issues facing this country. I am proud to support the current President of the United States of America. He has worked harder and has gotten more done then our previous three presidents combined against waves of obstructionism in effort to make him fail. He moves forward regardless of all these attempts to thwart his Presidency. I find it refreshing that what a candidate promised the people when running for office is actually living up to his promises. Not wanting illegal immigrants roaming our streets is not racist, it’s conforming to the rule of law. “ILLEGAL”! What part of that is hard to understand? When a dangerous criminal is released, regardless of his citizenship status it leaves we the people in jeopardy to their next violent act. Be it murder, rape, human trafficking, kidnapping or selling drugs to our children. Ask the victims of horrible crimes committed by illegal immigrants if they are racist for wanting justice. These criminals are a clear and present danger to our communities. MS13 is just a bunch of misunderstood kids right? We have laws in this country. If one of these animals harm a member of your family let’s see if you still want to call them “boogie man illegals.
    By the way…maybe you should take a look at the economy, unemployment (lowest in decades), unemployment in the black community (lowest in our history – not bad for a racist), women’s unemployment (best in 17 years) jobs coming back to our country and he is stopping the ridiculous trade agreements our country has been entered into. It goes on and on. Keep your blinders on Marshall.

  3. Right WJR and Dr. Bowes. It’s a dereliction of duty and a violation of our city council members’ oaths to uphold the US Constitution and federal supremacy on immigration laws. A nation without borders is a nation intent on destruction. It’s not racist, its following the rule of law. There are laws that everyone citizen must abide by, why don’t illegal aliens who are not citizens have to abide by the laws?


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