Some Pet Owners Lack Class



Dog walkers take note.

It seems the wealth here in Laguna Beach can buy many things: beautiful homes, gorgeous cars, iPhones for grade schoolers, customized golf carts, and $600 hoverboards for the kids.

Unfortunately it doesn’t buy class as evidenced by the large number of steaming dog deposits, most of them right by a sign in my yard. This sign is here for a reason. If you have a dog:

  1. Carry poop bags with you.
  2. Model good poop-scooping behavior for your kids.
  3. If you are physically unable to scoop poop, please have someone with you who can help you do so…I get it. People have bad backs and other limitations that prevent them from picking up after their dog.
  4. If you decide whether to walk away from your dog’s pile in someone else’s yard, ask yourself whether or not you’d mind if the shoe was on the other foot.
  5. If any or all of the above seem like too much effort, don’t have a dog.

I don’t have a dog. I shouldn’t have to pick up after everyone else’s.


Elaine Nadalin, Laguna Beach

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