Street Beat


Monday, June 10

After being alerted to a stolen vehicle, LBPD conducted a high-risk traffic stop on June 10 in front of the Pavilions. The female driver was arrested and said she had borrowed the car from a friend. Photo by Marshall Aren

Traffic stop. 2:19 p.m. 600 North Coast Highway. LBPD was alerted to a stolen vehicle inbound on Laguna Canyon Road, and an officer located the vehicle as it passed Canyon Acres. A high-risk traffic stop was initiated in front of the Pavilion’s. The female adult driver and 17-year-old female passenger were removed from the vehicle. The driver was arrested and said she had borrowed the vehicle from a friend. The 17-year-old passenger was released to her mother.

Sunday, June 9

Traffic stop. 12:34 a.m. 20600 block of Laguna Canyon Road. A 54-year-old Aliso Viejo woman was arrested on suspicion of DUI and held for $2,500 bail.

Traffic stop. 12:51 a.m. 600 block of South Coast Highway. A 54-year-old Corona man was arrested on suspicion of DUI and held for $2,500 bail.

Traffic stop. 3:47 a.m. 2200 block of Laguna Canyon Road. A 44-year-old Lake Forest man was arrested on suspicion of DUI and held for $2,500 bail.

Occupied vehicle. 4:07 a.m. 300 block of North Coast Highway. A 26-year-old Laguna Hills woman was arrested on suspicion of DUI and held for $2,500 bail.

Saturday, June 8

Trespassing. 1:08 p.m. 30600 block of Marilyn Drive. Police responded to a report of a possible squatter after a resident allegedly saw a man with a large dog in a home that is going through the Design Review Board process and has been vacant for two years. The resident said there have been ongoing issues with squatters and break-ins at the property. The man left the property in a vehicle, was apprehended by police, and was cited for misdemeanor driving with a license suspended for DUI and false identification to a police officer.

Drunk driving. 6:17 p.m. 700 block of Laguna Canyon Road. After allegedly running a stop sign, slowing/stopping in traffic and hitting a curb, a 28-year-old El Monte woman was arrested on suspicion of DUI and driving without a license and held for $2,500 bail.


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  1. All THAT for a stolen vehicle? While pedestrians and cyclists are injured or killed through out our city? And smokers everywhere and their discarded butts in our oceans? Huge SUVs running stop signs or racing down PCH daily? Our city has lost its way in enforcement and what is more important. A car is a material possession-a person cannot be replaced.


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