Support for Pledge to Curb Carbon Emissions



These letters were also addressed to Mayor Toni Iseman.

I am writing today to ask that, as mayor of Laguna Beach, you join with the more than 347 American cities that have pledged to uphold the Paris Climate Accord, and that you make a public statement to that effect.

Let’s make sure that we are doing everything we can to ensure that future generations will have a safe and inhabitable world to call home.

Don Meek, Laguna Beach


I am proud to have lived in Laguna Beach since 1970. I live and own a business in town.

I have always been proud to be a Lagunan for many reasons, but especially how progressive Laguna as a city has been. I am asking that Laguna join the other 347 progressive cities that intend to uphold The Paris Climate accord.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and consider this important issue.

Summer Meek, Laguna Beach

The authors are co-founders of the Soul Project.

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  1. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed Executive Order S-3-05, mandating that California “reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 80% below 1990 levels.” That extremist demand would plunge California into a permanent depression never before experienced. Close all stores, close all beaches, close all entertainment venues everywhere, all in the name of this imaginary “climate change” baloney. Choose only one – either shut down Laguna Beach to tourists, or else stop pretending to be environmental saviors of the world. You can’t have it both ways, like Al Gore does, like Barack Obama does, like all the Hollywood Glitterati and *academics* do.

  2. Anyone that understands what the Paris Climate Accord was all about would completely agree that the USA pulling out was in our best interest. Why should we spend millions upon millions of dollars to countries that won’t follow through on their part. Turkey decided to pull out because the bucks stopped. Go figure.


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