Supporting the Right to Choose



Roman Catholic Pope Francis has asked all to take care of the poor. I wonder what he would want us to do for a poor woman who has elected to have an abortion.

Anyone who knows me knows I am pro life but I believe a woman should have the right to make decisions about her own body. One in six people entering a hospital in the USA enter a Catholic hospital, such as Laguna and Mission Viejo’s Mission hospitals. The Catholic bishops are now being sued by the ACLU for not admitting women who want an abortion.  The Hoag hospital’s board of directors last year decided to join the St. Joseph hospital system, which operates our hospital in South Laguna. Doctors at Hoag didn’t hear until March of this year about the change and some said that refusing abortions was terrible, as Hoag now does.

I know several Lagunatics who have left our hospital against medical advice because of problems at the South Laguna hospital. I know even more who say if they have a choice, they won’t go to Mission hospitals. I was scheduled for a procedure at Mission in Mission Viejo but asked the doctor to change to Saddleback hospital.

At one time Laguna Beach was known as a progressive town, but things have changed. The City Council should have tried to find another buyer for the south Laguna hospital, and giving the hospital thousands for parking privileges is hypocritical. We as a town should stand for women’s rights. We should tell the Sisters of St. Joseph to do what the Pope says: help the poor and others when they are traumatized by events in their bodies. And it’s hard for me to believe that the non profit Catholic hospital system is really non profit.

Roger Carter, Laguna Beach


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  1. We believe that God (as you understand Him) owns the rights to your body not you. The gift of the ability to reproduce is sacred. Misusing that privilege is a slap in God’s face. This topic is serious but is not as complicated as people make it. It is NOT YOUR body. God can take it back at any time. Your decisions involve culpability and responsibility. Don’t abuse or misuse this gift. When you are on death’s door think of what was said here.


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