Voice Will Linger When Marchers are Gone



Numbers don’t lie.  I am a lifelong Democrat who wishes Hillary Clinton had won the election last month.  But she didn’t.  Monday’s electoral college vote sealed the deal for Donald Trump.  He will become America’s 45th president on January 20, 2017.  I’m not going to protest in the streets like many of my Laguna friends intend to do the day after the Trump inauguration.  Instead, I will remain at my desk, writing what I consider to be thoughtful responses to the new president’s initiatives.  For me, it’s the best way my voice can be heard long after the marchers return home next month.


Denny Freidenrich, Laguna Beach

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  1. Mr. Friedenrich, there IS no “thoughtful response” from any Hillary supporter. She is a lifelong criminal, pathological liar, and a very hateful, profane, nasty person, as reported by those closest to her. She bragged about defending a 41 year-old rapist of a 12 year-old girl, and laughed when explaining how she got him off with “2 months served in jail.” Her Clinton Foundation took in $184 million in 2014 and gave $5 million of it to charitable causes, around 2.8%. Thanks, suckers. She killed four Americans at Benghazi and then lied through her ugly teeth about it, and you wanted her to win? People like you are destroying America with your socialist welfare state foolishness.

  2. Thank you for the work you do. I will be marching AND working with the Courage Campaign to shield the vulnerable from what is to come. We all contribute in our own way.
    Nina Day


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