Will Village Laguna Lose Ground?



To paraphrase Verna Rollinger’s campaign slogan – enough already.

Citizens of this town felt that enough is enough of Village Laguna and its members, who think that they know how to keep our city charming. We all agree that we have a unique setting: coastline with dramatic vignettes and hillsides with luscious curves. We are cognizant of its value.  No one questions the fact that green space is vital to the ambience, and we must protect it, but not sure why all homes circa 1920s should all be lumped together without a voice from those who own them. I don’t understand the obsession for dead and dying trees/vegetation. From what I understand, whatever ails a tree can also be transmitted to nearby trees, hence we can loose more trees in this philosophy of thou shalt not remove.

In the past the covert and overt relationship between Village Laguna members who served on community committees and staff has been very divisive. I sincerely hope that the grip that some of the heads of these committees can be loosed and others in our town will be inspired to serve and share their talents, ideas, and enthusiasm. Before, if you had a friend on one of these committees and they were a member of Village Laguna, your issues often were resolved behind closed doors. I personally have witnessed this on several occasions with disgust and anger.

I am very proud that so many folks in town voted to keep this balance of reality and solve some of the ongoing issues with our future in mind. My next thoughts: what will happen when Toni Iseman, who has served for 18 years, and the other two council members, come up for the 2018 election.


Ganka Brown, Laguna Beach


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  1. I do not understand the antipathy expressed by Ms. Brown towards Village Laguna. Her harangues and vitriol seem relentless, and I have listened to her opinions at many City Hall
    meetings. She prefaces her statement regarding “dying trees” with, to use her words, “as I understand.” It is obvious that she does not understand much, except her own agenda, filled with
    Incoherent statements and negativity. Village Laguna is not about merely about “dying trees” and historical homes; it is about preserving the very best of our heritage, saving what is
    cherished for future generations. Yes, we as a community do have a right to prevent what is lovely yet tarnished from being discarded…a dying tree, a vintage home.
    In other countries, and cities, for example, PARIS, France, there are rules which prevent any owner from changing or razing any historical building. Although many apartments
    are six stories, owners may not install elevators, regardless of the necessity for them. Owners are required to refinish and professionally clean the facades of their buildings every ten
    years, and this is exceedingly costly. The French government
    values the history and tales told by their edifices. As a Laguna Beach resident, I value the tales told by our historic homes.
    And as for dying limbs and old trees, Ms.Brown, beauty lies
    in the eyes of the beholder. I am quite certain our city experts are aware of when a tree needs to be replaced. Or do you believe that these experts also have some hidden agenda?
    “Enough is enough,” and I respectfully tell you, Ms. Brown,
    that perhaps you ought to take heed the next time you decide to express your thoughtless and uneducated views. Enough Is enough, and in your case, those words ring true.
    Jahn M. Levitt


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