Wisdom Workout


 The Power of Imagination

Susan McNeal Velasquez

    The theme of the Pageant of the Masters 2011, “Only Make-Believe,” is a tribute to artistic imagination unleashed. Imagination is an exceptional gift that can also be used to access inner-wisdom.

    Today, I want to invite you to use your imagination. Your memories, approached correctly, can help you fund a vibrant future, grown from the fertile seeds of your past.

    Here is a quick example. First, conjure up in your mind’s eye, a sacred space. It may be a church, a temple or a nature scene that you have visited in real life or seen in a photograph. Create this picture and put yourself there. Don’t enter inside just yet.

    Imagine that your past is currently stored in the attic of your mind. Memories of past challenges, defeats, delights, loves, and losses, are packed away in boxes, taped shut, and tucked away in the far-reaches of your mind.

    Since attics are often used to store things for which we have no immediate use, let’s move your memories to a better location.

    Your stored memories will be transported to this sacred place. From this moment on, your memories, whether seen as mistakes, heart-hurts, achievements, or disappointments, will be housed in this sacred space.

    When you visit this tranquil scene, it is important to practice the art of non-interference. That means treating your past with great tenderness, kindness, and compassion so that healing can take place.

    Many of us are compassionate with others. Moving your memories to this sacred location will allow you to practice compassion with yourself.

    Your past is not gone. It has been boxed, labeled, and abandoned in your memory. Relocating your memories to this sacred place will allow the wounded places in you to heal by softening and opening to newfound levels of acceptance.

    Stand in your sacred place and position yourself in the center. Take in your surroundings.

    Know that at this very moment, all the directions you have traveled are brought together. You are standing in the presence of timelessness.

    From this imaginative point of view, your past, your present and your future are here now. Exercising your imagination can help you fully accept that all your experiences form the basis of your wisdom.

Susan offers local workshops on the dynamics of intuition and is the author of: “Beyond Intellect: Journey Into the Wisdom of Your Intuitive Mind.” Contact her at http://www.susanvelasquez.com or (949) 494-7773.

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