Embrace ’14 as Your Own Child

By Susan McNeal Velasquez.
By Susan McNeal Velasquez.

Let’s take a moment to formally welcome 2014. The birthing process is over and we’ve brought the new baby home.

If you listen closely, you might notice that your mind may be rehearsing its New Year speech. It goes something like this: “A new year is a good thing. It brings new possibilities. It is a time to re-invent myself. I can upgrade my image. I can resolve to do whatever better. It is time to turn away from old doubts, fears and perceived losses from last year. It is a new day, a new start and a new year.”

You might even have enough control over your unruly emotions to actually buy into that tried and true but tired speech. Or perhaps, you may be willing to entertain some of the less than picture pretty thoughts and feelings about your life, for the worthwhile purpose of acknowledging a fuller platform for your new beginnings.

Out with the old, in with the new, may seem expedient on the surface. The deeper truth is that in order to trick yourself into thinking that is possible, you have to swallow a large dose of denial because the real truth is that we all have unfinished business from last year.

How can I be so sure about that? It is mainly because who we are is so uniquely complex that our lives can never be neatly boxed, labeled and packaged. Living in the present, as a full, rich and vibrant participant requires that we accept the fact that we are a never-ending story. We are a compilation of our past, our present and our future, all coming together today.

From this point of view, it is important that today we decide to accept all aspects of ourselves, whether we find them attractive company or not.

When we shift our focus to opening our minds, softening our hearts, deepening our awareness and strengthening our resolve to expand in new directions, we can learn to accept and validate the part our past has played in our lives.

Every mother knows the underlying and often unacknowledged experiences that naturally come with the birth of a new baby.

There is the external celebration and exciting anticipation of the birthday. After the birthing process and mother and baby come home, there is a letdown period.

At this time, the hidden fears and apprehensions come calling. “Can I do this? Can I take care of everyone and everything I care about and nurture a new baby too? Do I have enough love to go around? Do I have the energy? Am I up for the task?”

If you are willing to open your arms and fully embrace this New Year as a new birth of yours, you will receive the miraculous gifts that come with parenting.

This New Year will snuggle up closely and sleep contentedly in your embrace. It will scream powerfully and incessantly when it is time to be fed. It will smile and coo with love-filled eyes as it kicks its legs and moves its arms in vibrant delight.

This new year will take your breath away with its beauty and in return for your open-armed acceptance, love, involvement and commitment, you will receive the wondrous miracle of new life unfolding, moment by precious moment, right before your eyes. Let’s get ready to create room for a happy New Year.


Susan is the author of “Beyond Intellect: Journey Into the Wisdom of Your Intuitive Mind.” Reach her at:




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