

Opinion: In a worried world, signs of a pushback 

By Russ Gerber Soon after departing Houston International Airport, we hit severe turbulence. The pilot came on to warn that because we had to pass through a storm front, the rough ride would last another 30 minutes. But not to worry. “Think of it as a car traveling on a...

Opinion: OC Supervisor Katrina Foley’s April update

Women’s History Month, Sober Living Homes, Climate Action Plan and more By Katrina Foley, Orange County Supervisor In March, we celebrated Women’s History Month by recognizing trailblazing women in our legal profession, building a more just, equitable Orange County for all. Congratulations to Laguna Beach awardees: Jane Fulton as the Nonprofit Advocate; Michelle Reinglass...

Opinion: Wisdom Workout

Spring Cleaning By Susan McNeal Velasquez Attics and basements were a staple of most houses on the East Coast, where I was brought up. The attic was often stifling hot, cramped and suffocating. You would ascend a steep, narrow stairway, a storage box held precariously in hand, and deposit it in...

Opinion: Pet Peeves

Fresh Faces Ahh, I don’t think I’m the right guy to write about that. I’m old. My face is older. How’s that possible, you ask? Well, not that it’s any of your business, but my butt looks younger. That’s a good thing. Otherwise, I’d be mistaken as a twin. That’s...

Opinion: On the can in Japan

By Billy Fried I'm high over the Pacific, returning home from a three-week visit to Japan with my daughter. It was my first time back in 41 years, which is reprehensible, considering how much I always loved the place. If it takes another 41 years, it will be over my dead body! What...

Opinion: This is where we live

Hop on the Trolley Tour During Heritage Month By Hunter Fuentes and Jon Stordahl May is Heritage Month in Laguna. A free trolley tour of architecturally interesting buildings and homes is just one of the activities planned to mark the month-long celebration. The city’s trolleys are a unique symbol of the...

Opinion: Pet Peeves

Emanual By Mark D. Crantz I envisioned my later years to be one of coasting. Ah, you know, retirement, a period of time when you aren’t on the road chasing down dollars. Well, I had it half right. I’m coasting on Coast Highway. But… There’s not much coasting going on Coast Highway....

Opinion: Musings On The Coast

Blue Moon      For maybe six months, I had been dating the woman who was to become the love of my life. It was New Year's Eve, but I was alone in Laguna at my place, and she was alone in L.A. at her place. I wanted to ask her down...

Opinion: Green Light 

Earth Day 1970 and 2024  Earth Day. It’s my favorite societal event. Even though it’s not a government-sanctioned national holiday, it should be. What other single event is celebrated globally in 192 countries by people of diverse faiths, ethnicities and customs? Earth Day observances have remained true to its founders’...

Opinion: Pet Peeves

Here We Go Again By Mark D. Crantz City Council delays Promenade Project. Here we go again using that dreaded word. Delay. Let’s say it again, Laguna. Delay. Now, let’s all hold hands, sway and sing, “We are the delay.” Here’s my idea of a good delay. “Good morning, Mr. Crantz....