Teacher’s Green Thumb Yields Unexpected Fruit

Retired teacher Terry Hustwick, left, receives a plaque from Kathleen Fay.
Retired teacher Terry Hustwick, left, receives a plaque from Kathleen Fay.

Retired teacher Terry Hustwick shared her surprise and joy at receiving California PTA’s most prestigious award, the Golden Oak Service Award, at a recent meeting of Top of the World Elementary’s PTA.

Council President Kathleen Fay presented the honor to Hustwick in appreciation and acknowledgment of her contributions in and out of the classroom.

Hustwick taught at Top of the World Elementary School from 1967 until her retirement in 2003, Fay said. “Since that time, she has continued to work as a PTA volunteer at the school, devoting countless hours year-round towards building the gardens to become wonderful outdoor classrooms for our students.”

“I can share the thrill of students reacting to the joy nature brings to their gardening efforts, and I can give back to my community by volunteering my time and energy to a positive experience for children,” said Hustwick, who tilled in the school’s garden for the past decade.

A donation in Hustwick’s name was made to the California State PTA scholarship and grant program, Fay said.

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