Pet Peeves


Back to the Future

By Mark Crantz
By Mark Crantz

My grandchildren left to go back home today. Home is Madison, Wisc. They were flying back. I suggested they run instead, it would be quicker. Oh boy, do these kids have energy. Their visit was like having a south swell inside your house. And forget last weekend’s winners at the Brooks Street Surfing Classic. First, second and third places go to Brady, Avery and Camden for putting their toes on my nose for six consecutive days. Congratulations, for keeping my nose in your business.

The house is so quiet now. Even the dog seems mistrusting by the sudden silence. She keeps looking around for the next kid attack. I’ve explained to her that the kids went home. She looks unconvinced. I think we are suffering from grandchildren lag. Much like jet lag, old people and dogs can’t handle age zone differences. It takes days after a visit to find our internal clocks that the children have reset. The children, who are underfoot and hear all, said before going home, “Pop Pop we know where your clock is. Promise we can come back and we’ll tell you where to find it. It’s in the last place you’ll look. “

I tried calling my therapist for help. Her answering machine beeped, “I’m out of the office, if this is Crantz. For everyone else I’ll be with you in a minute.” It looked like I was on my own to find and reset my internal clock. It’s important to stay hydrated and keep the electrolytes in balance. I got myself a beer. Perhaps a little noise instead of utter silence would help bring me down easier. I turned on the TV to Music Choices of the ‘70s. Listening to Rod Stewart, Billy Joel, Fleetwood Mac and the Rolling Stones would take me back to the future of children, grandchildren and one missing internal clock.

Listen to that. “Do Ya Think I’m Sexy.” Well no, I don’t think Rod Stewart was sexy. But, I liked his song. Then Ka-pow an ad pops up, “Suffering from joint pain? If you have medicare call…” Segue to Billy Joel’s “Moving Out.” Then ka-pow another ad, “Do you need a knee brace? Medicare may cover….” Then it’s Kenny Loggins’ “The House at Pooh Corner.” Ka-pow, “Finding senior housing can be complex…”

Whew. I think the music has helped. I see things more clearly now. The Susi Q Senior Center is at the bottom of Laguna’s steepest hill, Third Street. But not so fast. I’m not sliding down to the finish line just yet.

Hmmm, my internal clock is in the last place I’d look? Eureka, I’m going to need another visit from the south swell. See you soon, Brady, Avery, and Camden.

Tick. Tick. Tick.


Crantz tells the Indy that kids keep you young. Mine tell me I look 84. And I’m only 64.





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