Demographic trends and special needs children?



Howard Hills, currently running for the Laguna Beach 2016 school board, said at a recent candidate forum, “We have a strong special education program. I think one of the important things to do is look at whether or not people are coming into this district because we have such a strong special education program. We need to be very aware of any demographic trends in that regard.”

He also was heard to say “…people who are coming here and renting apartments so they can take advantage of our special ed program.”

First, I would like to say to Mr. Hills how correct he is! We have the best special education program in perhaps all of Southern California. I have an autistic son, diagnosed at 2, now 17 and a senior at LBHS. This year marks his 15th year attending LBUSD special ed program. He started at 3 in preschool.

When Jake began with our school district, I proudly owned a home here in town. Unfortunately for our family when the economy took a tremendous shift in 2009, we found ourselves to be among the many that went from homeowners to renters. Mr. Hills, when one rents a home or an apartment, here in Laguna Beach that person is 100% just as deserving of our wonderful public school system for their children. That includes their children with special needs.

Renting a home here is quite expensive. In fact, life might have been easier for my family financially had we rented a home in some other community, but we stayed in this community because of our district. Our schools are amazing, our teachers wonderful. I commend parents who make the financial sacrifice (and believe me the sacrifices are many) to move to our town, facing rent charges that are astronomical. They do it for the love of their children. They give up luxuries, go without vacations, and new cars. They work hard, live in small accommodations, all to give their child an opportunity for an excellent education.

Kudos to those parents!

Mr. Hills, you are running for our school board. I expect you will be hard pressed to garner support from families with special needs students with statements such as your’s about demographics. The only demographic trend that needs to be followed is the continued upward swing of our district’s test results year after year! 

Kimberly O’Brien-Young, Laguna Beach

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