Porn in Public Places?


It appears that our county supports porn in public places, such as libraries, as part and parcel of first amendment rights.  Really? Our society has reached a point when it is allowable for children to be in a public place where porn is being watched and it would only take a turn of their innocent heads for them to get an eyeful as well?  This seems wrong in so many ways.
And then there’s the back story here in Laguna where this “right” has been discovered by the homeless who no longer need to look for jobs or panhandle in the streets. All of the basic needs such as food and shelter have been taken care of for them, and big bonus, porn in the library.  Only caveat, be sure to not let the cops catch you with your hands off the keyboard.
Here in Laguna our good citizens go out of their way to not only feed the homeless, provide a roof over their head at night, send them off on their own private shuttle to the beach with a sack lunch, but also sponsor a myriad of fundraisers such as the recent Hunger Bowl for continued support.    Nothing says “Thank you Laguna,” like idling away the hours watching porn and masturbating in the public library.  And, apparently, this happens “often,” according to the librarian.
When freedom of speech includes inflicting pornography on the public, something needs to change.
Lindsay Tognetti, Laguna Beach

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