Shifty Tax Cuts



The short article, “Home buyers to pay for tax cuts” by Richard Cirelli in his column, ”Ask the Expert” is something every taxpayer should know. It is another example of how the shifty politicians fool you into thinking you are getting something with one hand, while at the same time robbing you with the other.


There was little press or public outrage when they heard Obama first saying he didn’t want any tax cuts (unpopular with most folks) and later saying he wanted to extend the “cuts” for a whole year, which sounded good to much of the public. The public did not realize that Obama was actually getting more taxes from the public via other increases, especially the mortgage rate increases discussed in Mr. Cirelli’s column.


Most the of the Republicans fought extending the tax cuts and wanted government costs cut instead; but seemingly being against these particular tax cuts was making them unpopular with the naive public, so they finally settled on a temporary compromise of extending these cuts for two months. The net result is that the government will get more of the public’s money instead of cutting expenses. One solution is to support Tea Party approved candidates and fight this never-ending Washington corruption.


Dave Connell, Laguna Beach

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