Steve Young Seeks Election to State Senate

Steve Young

“Politicians created this mess; only leaders will clean it up,” said Steve Young, a civil justice attorney and Newport Beach resident announcing his last-moment candidacy for the newly reconstituted 37th State Senate district, which includes Newport and Laguna Beach.


Young, who unsuccessfully tried to unseat U.S. Rep. John Campbell in a district with some common geography, said his decision to run was a difficult one. “Politicians take polls before committing,” he said. “Leaders do what is right regardless of the consequences. My opponent is a politician, I am a leader.”  He cited the state of California’s troubled economy as the deciding factor that led to his last-minute filing March 9.


With re-districting, the new boundaries for the Senate District overlay much of the old 48th Congressional District, which also included Newport and Laguna. Young ran for congress in the 48th District in the special election of 2005, and again in the general election in 2006 and 2008, each time bettering his numbers.


Improving the California economy will be the center issue of his campaign, but the escalating price of heath care, and the cost and quality of education deeply concern him, he said in a statement. Expanding development of truly clean renewable energy and the thousands of jobs it will create is high on the list of Young’s priorities as well, he said.


Young also serves as regional director for the California Democratic Party.

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