Letter: Residents Should Benefit From Parking Revenue


So, the City Council wants to build a parking garage to benefit their developer friends? How can they get away with a project that was roundly defeated, after overwhelming public opposition, in 2013? Well, they need a partner with seed money. So first, the Council gives funds to the Chamber of Commerce in the form of “Community Assistance Funds” (2020 – 2021 Budget). Then the Chamber of Commerce gives funds to the City to apply toward a parking garage feasibility study. What a sweet partnership!

Next, the City Council hires a consultant. (Oh how they love to hire outside consultants.) It is important for consultants to know what the final results are that you are looking for. This one came back with a lowball price that is guaranteed to run way under the actual final cost. Their projected cost is over 25% less than what the previous consultant estimated seven years ago in 2013. 

Now who is going to pay for this project and its cost overruns? Why you are of course—the residents. And who are the primary beneficiaries going to be? The developers, of course. The City Council would like you to believe that there is plenty of money in the “Parking Fund,” collected primarily from tourists using parking meters. Wouldn’t it be nice if some of those funds were used to offset some of the burdens created by tourists? Tourist costs such as trash removal, lifeguards, paramedics, police, etc. The Council acts as though this is free money that should be used to encourage, yes, more tourists.

Neil Fitzpatrick, Laguna Beach

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