Letter: Continue the Work But Do So In A Respectful Manner


I want to thank you for passing the censure for Peter Blake and showing the residents that you will not tolerate bullying, name-calling or interrupting our comments and ensuring we have the right to participate in local government. This is a powerful statement to city manager candidates that the Council will not tolerate disrespect and incivility towards residents, elected officials or staff.

I am sad though that you did not make a stronger disconnect between censuring his incivility and the fact that he has a right to his principles, ideas and values. No one has ever advocated abrogating his right to represent his constituents which is his primary defense and justification for incivility. That has never been the reason those of us he has attacked have spoken out. It has always been about his disrespect, anger towards us for our views and inability to control his behavior in council meetings towards speakers.

I hope the City Council will make this distinction in the future when Blake protests that residents are trying to silence his first amendment rights. We want him to continue his work but to do so in a respectful manner following Robert’s Rules of Order. 

Thank you again for responding to the situation now.

Michèle Monda, Laguna Beach

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  1. Michelle-

    Did they EVER censure James Kelly when he inferred you were a “RACIST” for questioning School Spending on Bi-lingual education in a School District that is 99% English Fluent?
    It seems “censure” only comes one direction from one side.

  2. The writer will know the real answer at the next election when Our-Leader-Peter WINS! Making Laguna Great Again and getting past the thin tan skinned sissy whiners. Let the People Decide.

  3. Please Mr. Pintas least use some originality. Most people are tired of huckster slogans. But then cult followers have no inclination for orginaility, the only follow the pied piper.

  4. One suspects that Mr. Pintas had his tongue firmly planted in his cheek when he used a sobriquet similar to Kim Jong-un’s “Supreme Leader” or “Dear Respected Leader” for “our-leader-Peter.”

  5. Typically Laguna antagonistic sarcasm, thinking some cheap smear will muddy the issue. Our Leader Peter is ELECTED! Do you people do ANY work? DO SOMETHING instead of whining.


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