Letter: Ballot Initiative is Simpler Than Downtown Specific Plan


Some people concerned about the residents’ ballot initiative contend it is too complicated. The resident’s ballot initiative is simply a zone change. It’s no different than any other zoning ordinance except for the fact that the City Council refused to adopt it, and instead the voters have a chance to see that it is adopted.

This zoning measure—the Ballot Initiative—is far less complex than the much longer and much more controversial recently adopted 171-page Downtown Specific Plan which, by reducing parking requirements in the downtown across the board, will have far-reaching consequences for the future of Laguna Beach. And a specific plan, like the Downtown Specific Plan, makes far more extensive changes to the zoning code than what the ballot initiative does. The Downtown Specific Plan replaces the zoning for downtown, while the ballot initiative merely modifies some aspects of the existing code. The final Downtown Specific Plan was approved by a thin 3-2 margin of the City Council. One council vote would have changed that result. The same goes for the ballot initiative. Had there been three votes on the City Council in favor of the ballot initiative ordinance, putting it on the ballot would not have been necessary.

The Ballot Initiative became necessary only because of a lack of majority support on a divided City Council.

John Thomas, Laguna Beach

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  1. And there it is, folks. Disgruntled minority drums up end run to subvert the will of the majority of voters. Kind of like trying to recall our governor.

  2. The Fact Is: You cannot solve a problem with the same thinking (old laguna stalwarts) that created it. Development in any city shouldn’t be held hostage by citizens (who can be bought) voting on every thing. Elect Councilmen and Women who are qualified, and STFU about this knit picking self importance your crave. In short, grow up.

  3. “…hostage by citizens (who can be bought)…”. That’s the most laughable inverted logic I’ve come across lately. You can “buy” the few; its much more difficult or impossible to “buy” the majority. Hence, when decisions worth millions are left to a very few City Councilpersons, the chances for influence buying is real. It’s not when each voter has a direct voice.

  4. John Thomas “ The resident’s ballot initiative is simply a zone change.”
    I sat though over an hour of David Raber trying to explain “it” to about 12 people who attended a Resident’s First meeting in North Laguna last Tuesday ( 13th ) . After he was finished I was more confused.
    I had to agree with Council member Toni Iseman who stated ,she read it couldn’t understand it but would give Mr. Raber’s phone number to anyone who would want it explained to them.
    So, a very experienced Laguna Beach City Council member can’t understand this initiative. So I encourage residents of Laguna to vote for the City’s initiative not this convoluted proposal!
    Some of this cord group are also members of the LAGUNA BEACH HISTORIC PRESERVATION COALITION & Village Laguna that are use CEQA to stop the improvements of properties!

  5. Thank you John. Looks like your message
    triggered the usual negative responses from those who fully support our current pro-development/investor council member status. Expected.

    I think LB Voters are much smarter than this. Residents are seeing the well-organized attempt to shut down the LRF ballot initiative. It’s so obvious that these Liberate Laguna Forward Developer/Investor PAC funders and supporters are very concerned that they will lose all that resident’s last government influence and division making power they gained after shelling out big bucks in the 2018 (Blake /Kempf) and 2020 (Whalen) elections.

    Fact is, city leaders and residents from several other cities haven’t looked back after they voted in their initiatives that secured and serve the desires of their resident stakeholders. The fact that our city felt forced to create an opposition initiative speaks volumes.This council lives by don’t address a problem until people demand a resolution. Then undermine them. I have zero faith in our current leadership and no trust in their loophole initiative. Reject it.


  6. Mj Abraham, I walked from my home down the alley between Myrtle & Hawthorne Road to Cypress Dr. Over to the Unitarian Church to listen to David Raber try to explain the “Initiative “. North Laguna has been my neighborhood since the 70’s. I’m pro Common Sense! If I can’t clearly understand an initiative I’ll vote no on it. Council member Iseman stated she couldn’t understand it and neither could I. Respect the past ! Embrace the future! I’m one of the founders of LagunaNeighbors.org who all live in North Laguna.

  7. Thanks Pat Gallis. You are entitled to your opinion. Respectfully, because you don’t understand something doesn’t mean others won’t. FYI – the LRF website has the Residents First Initiative’s purpose with details outlined as well as contact information for those with additional questions.

    Fact is Pat, informed voters do their due diligence and do not rely on one persons opinion on major matters affecting their life investments. The LRF Initiative is supported by residents of LB as it had no problem getting signatures and there are several other Initiatives coming in November as well. All suggest higher public awareness and the need for public input as a necessity in our local governance. They may all be complicated to some but are specific in their purpose. And the new City “Loophole Initiative” won’t be any less confusing if it properly addresses the over-development and over-intensification issues stakeholders are pushing back on. If it doesn’t provide a guarantee to protect Laguna like the LRF Initiative does with a voter approval requirement on mega commercial developments it will go down in flames. And it should. I’m looking forward to reading the opposing City Loophole Initiative. IMO – it will be like most city documents; purposely vague, left to city management/staff and boards and commissions interpretation and often unenforceable by design.

    In support of transparency, haven’t you been against the LRF Initiative from the beginning and are a supporter of the City DSP and other critical changes including the recent action to create the loophole Initiative? This might explain the resistance and the feedback offered. To your point about Council member Toni Iseman being unclear which I appreciate her admitting, constituents regularly witness our city council members being unclear on what should be clear and concise staff reports yet they make very important decisions. I don’t see this as anything unusual.

    I trust Laguna voters will do their due diligence in reviewing all of the Ballot Initiatives and look at who’s behind them before voting to support or reject. My vote will be in support of the LRF Ballot Initiative and for new resident-centric council candidates to serve us as city leaders. I’ve had enough of the RE Developers/Investors running our town.

    Thanks for listening.


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