Letter: Reject Politics of Divisiveness and Incivility


I try to be a good citizen and stay informed of issues, so I am an informed voter. The overwhelming number of political ads and campaign posters don’t make it easier; they make it more difficult to understand the truth behind the issues and candidates. (Artistically designed, black and white campaign signs are very attractive.). While I had previously read and heard about the rude and lack of civility of City Councilmember Peter Blake before, including his censure, I was overwhelmed and moved by the information published last week in this paper and in the LA Times about Blake. I hope others who had considered voting for Blake will reconsider their support. Rewarding Blake with re-election would help to normalize his lack of civility and further erode the transparency of our City’s decision-making process.

Last week in the Independent (10/21/22 publication) there was an article by Billy Fried (occasional columnist, KXFM radio program host, and civically-minded business owner), and two 1/2 pages worth of advertisements urging Laguna residents not to vote for Blake, and citing examples of his uncivil behavior. One of the full-page ads was taken out by well-respected architect Morris Skanderian, who discussed how Blake’s incivility has discouraged public participation at Council meetings. On 10/23/22, the LA Times California section contained a 1/2 page article about the lack of civility at our city council meetings and Blake’s impact. On the other hand, there was a 1/4 page ad from a political party supporting Blake for his support of property owner rights and “transparency”, and Blake took out his own full-page ad.

Transparency within our City Council does not increase with Blake’s bullying tactics and lack of civility, it decreases. If citizens are not treated with civility they are discouraged from participating in Council meetings, and decision-making becomes less transparent. Yes, issues matter, including property rights, traffic and parking, clear development rules, open space, etc., but without civility and good deliberation, the best decisions will not be achieved by our City Council.

The question of civility which is facing our City Council mirrors the same question facing our Nation. Laguna residents have historically been well-informed, thoughtful and compassionate, and in the past, our City has provided leadership on issues that matter. What message does it send to our children, the county, and the nation if we reward someone like Blake who uses bullying tactics and incivility? I urge Laguna residents to reject the politics of divisiveness and incivility and reject Peter Blake for City Council.

Steve Cohn, Laguna Beach

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  1. With all the attack ads on Peter you are pointing out, it sounds like other people are attacking Peter more than he is attacking them. Are the Peter attack ads civil, or do you feel the end justifies the means?

  2. Nice try Steve!

    The residents of Laguna know that my incivility is directed towards ruthless political activists. My colleagues on the dais are smart but not inclined to fight the way I do. I’m proud of how I’ve stood up to those who would have us remain a little hippy enclave. Oh, and sorry that you were “overwhelmed” by some articles in local newspapers that added some gasoline to a political fire during an election season where they make most of their profit for the year. I’ll send over a box of tissues.

    Lucky for you, there are 6 other candidates who share your woke sensitivities. Lucky for me, I dont need your vote!


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