Spread Love this February With Handmade Valentine Cards For Seniors


Mother Theresa once said, “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples.”

In its third year, Moore Law for Children spearheads a local effort to create Valentine’s Day cards for seniors. This year the firm hopes to collect more than 3,000 cards for seniors in long-term care facilities. Submitted Photo

Inspired by Theresa’s words in September 2020, Moore Law for Children Attorney Meldie Moore set out to make the Laguna community a little stronger by creating different projects her small law firm could do together to help local small business owners and non-profits. Moore called her project a Wave of Change – many ripples creating a wave.

“In February 2021, I wanted to touch the lives of our most vulnerable population with some heartfelt, handmade love for Valentine’s Day, ” Moore said. “With the community’s help, we collected over 1,000 handmade Valentine’s Day cards for seniors. Last year, we doubled that with over 2,000 cards. Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and students in all of the LBUSD schools helped.”

This year, Moore hopes to encourage the community to create Valentine’s Day cards for seniors again.

“Approximately 28,000 elderly and disabled adults live in 1,100 long-term care facilities in Orange County. Approximately 50%, or 14,000 seniors, have no friend or family member actively involved in their care,” Moore said. “So please join us in our Valentine’s Day card project this year to make an impact and let these lonely seniors know they are valued, loved and not forgotten.”

Moore said she’s hoping to expand on last year’s success with a new goal of 3,000 Valentine’s Day cards.

“It is a great way to earn community service hours and make a difference in someone’s day,” Moore said. “So, get out those art and craft supplies.”

The deadline to drop off the cards is Monday, Feb. 6., which allows time to sort and deliver the cards to their recipients in time for Feb. 14.

Moore’s law firm is working with the Council on Aging, which will ensure that every card made is delivered to a senior. No envelopes are needed, and Moore asks volunteers don’t sign the cards, as it could confuse the seniors to receive a card from someone they don’t know.

Cards can be delivered to Moore Law for Children, 361 Forest Avenue, Suite 201 (2nd floor), Laguna Beach, 92651 or to Council on Aging – Southern California, 2 Executive Circle, Suite 175, Irvine, CA 92614 on Mondays through Fridays, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Interested volunteers can email [email protected] or call (949) 336-7711 with any questions.

Moore Law for Children also welcomes photos of volunteers during their creative process or of finished creations, which they’ll share on their Facebook page, www.facebook.com/MooreLawOC.

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