Letter: Bluebird Canyon Speed Bump Process Unfair


If a speed hump can get approved on the only road entering a box canyon, on a critical evacuation route, where over 500 residents live, then it can be approved just about anywhere in Laguna Beach.

Case in point, the city manager chose to add a request for a speed hump on the 800 block of Bluebird Canyon Drive to the Jan. 24 City Council agenda. This item had been raised in the past and denied when all facts became understood. 

This time, residents in the impacted neighborhood were not given notice until days before the meeting, and many never saw the notice. The two vociferous neighbors wanting the hump were informed weeks earlier by a City Council member championing the idea. They took that advantage and lobbied hard City Council members while the other side didn’t even know it was up for discussion.

Unfortunately, for the 500-plus impacted residents whose voices were not heard, it worked. 

Also alarming was the fact City Council members disregarded comments from the fire chief, police sergeant, PTC, and public works, who were not supportive of adding any speed impediment to this particular road. The City’s own speed hump guidelines were also largely ignored.

As it stands now, residents in the impacted area feel the process was very unfair and plan to fight the installation as this decision would impact their lives in the event of an emergency.

Craig McKessar, Bluebird Canyon resident

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