Letter: Thanks to Elected Officials Who Take Climate Seriously


Do city leaders have a responsibility to legislate measures to mitigate climate change? Can climate measures be taken at that level of government? Should our tax dollars be directed in this manner? I believe the answers to all those questions are a resounding YES!

Tom Osborne’s Feb. 3 article, and other news organizations’ coverage of the Climate Action Campaign Report Card press conference show that residents care about climate-related issues.

In addition, plenty of local elected officials made it known that day they felt the same way and would be taking action. Councilmember Alex Rounaghi told us the Laguna Beach City Council is holding itself legally binding and enforceable under the state’s environmental law known as CEQA. Councilmembers Dr. Kathleen Treseder (Irvine) and Jose Trinidad Castaneda (Buena Park) reminded us they were elected based on their climate platforms.

Thank you to all those elected officials who take climate action seriously. You are setting great examples for other cities, such as mine, and your neighbor Laguna Niguel. This gives me hope that we have reached the tipping point and (hopefully appropriate) action is now on the way.

Jonathan Light, Laguna Niguel

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