Osborne’s column inspires reader to explore regenerative farming


After reading “Green Light” by Tom Osborne in the Feb. 9 Laguna Beach Independent, we realized his comments about the San Juan Capistrano Ecology Center’s approach to farming directly impact carbon control as it relates to climate.

Controlling carbon and its impact on the Earth’s climate is one of the main goals of the Citizens Climate Lobby. We learned a bit more about the process while visiting The Ecology Center and by watching the movie “Kiss the Ground” this week on Netflix. There are two means for reducing carbon in the atmosphere and reducing its impact on the heat that our planet and its humans must endure. One is reducing the amount of carbon that is introduced to the atmosphere, and the second is reducing the carbon that has been trapped in the atmosphere.

The move to EVs and clean energy, such as wind and solar, helps address the first case of controlling carbon introduction. Our visit to The Ecology Center introduced us to regenerative farming, which helps address the second case of pulling carbon out of the atmosphere by properly managing our farmlands.

Reducing carbon in the atmosphere is called a ‘Drawdown.’ The French Minister of Agriculture (Monsieur Le Foll) introduced the concept to the world at COP21 in 2015. To achieve a Drawdown, we can use one of the most powerful carbon capture technologies: the photosynthesis of plants and the microorganisms in the soil. Regenerative farming implements that effort and is being demonstrated by The Ecology Center. We were amazed by the climate impact that a properly managed farm can have on a large scale. On a small individual scale, it made us want to plant fruit trees in our yard, and remove our backyard lawn and plant produce. The beautiful South Laguna Garden is also an example of this effort to improve our planet.

Pam and Doug Carrie, Laguna Niguel (We play and work in Laguna Beach)

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