Letter: Council is a leader in environmental standards 


Thank you, Tom Osborne and the Laguna Beach Independent, for your March 29 City Council update. Living in your neighboring city of Laguna Niguel, I appreciate Mr. Osborne’s quote, “Laguna Beach will exemplify the best practices that are required in our neighboring south Orange County cities.” 

I agree and have said many times before that I hope my City Council follows some of your City Council’s examples when it comes to environmental and climate standards. Neighboring cities can easily replicate Laguna Beach’s solar and storage plans. We have plenty of sunshine to help power our respective cities. In turn, as the sun knows no boundaries, we make our cities more energy secure without worrying about future energy delivery supply shocks. Municipally-owned buildings, as well as all school rooftops and parking lots, should be covered in solar panels. 

To quote directly from the U.S. Department of Treasury website, “The Inflation Reduction Act recognized that state, local, and tribal governments, as well as non-profit organizations and other tax-exempt entities, have played and will continue to play a central role in making investments to build a clean energy economy.” 

So, a big thank you to the Laguna Beach City Council for recognizing their role in our transition to the new low-carbon energy economy.

Jonathan Light, Laguna Niguel

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