Political Lowdown


Friday, Oct. 12:  City Council Candidates Forum, 7 p.m., Council Chambers, 505 Forest Ave.; sponsored by AAUW, Woman’s Club and League of Women Voters.

Friday, Oct. 19: 48th Congressional Candidates Forum, 7 p.m., Council Chambers, also organized by the League.

Tuesday, Oct. 23: City Council Candidates Forum, 7:30 p.m., sponsored by Top of the World and Temple Hills Associations.

Brief video interviews with all the Laguna Beach City Council candidates with Indy editor Andrea Adelson can be viewed at the Indy website. School board candidate interviews will follow shortly.

The Laguna Beach Republican headquarters, 1476 S. Coast Highway, is open daily and welcomes all who would like to stop by to say hello, pick up campaign stickers or yard signs or to volunteer.

“LBR is looking for volunteers to assist with either precinct walking or calling,” said Michelle Hall, president.

Hours are: Mon. 12-5, Tues.-Thurs. 12-8, Fri/Sat/Sun. 12-6. A victory party is planned for Nov. 2 at a home on Del Mar. For more info: visit Lagunabeachgop.com.

City Council candidate Bob Whalen’s campaign website features endorsements from civic leaders on video in the “Community” and “Supporters” sections at www.bobwhalenforcouncil.com, announced campaign manager Anne Johnson.

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