Complete Streets Roll Forward in San Clemente




Some cities are making the modern shift to a sustainable multi-modal mobility plan. On Wednesday night (Oct. 17) the San Clemente Planning Commission approved a new mobility plan into their city’s general plan. Some startling highlights from their comprehensive “Policy Framework – Draft Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan” follow:

“We shall incorporate bicycle accommodations into all land use plans and capital improvement projects.

“The city will encourage public pedestrian improvement projects such as public art, fountains, street trees, lighting and directional signs.

(The city shall) “include skateboarding as a legitimate form of transportation as a policy, and include program to evaluate and revise ordinances as necessary to accommodate safe skateboard use.

“Support the creation of comprehensive safety awareness programs for pedestrians, skateboarders, cyclists and drivers.

“Expand the Safe Routes to School program and encourage all schools to get involved.

“The city shall measure non-motorized trips and vehicle trip reductions, especially at local schools, so as to monitor mode share goal progress.

“We shall establish mode-shift/share goals.”


Les Miklosy, Laguna Beach

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