Church Hosts Homeless for a Meal

The annual Christmas breakfast treated homeless people to a hot meal and gifts this past Saturday, Dec. 15.

Service organizations, churches and individual volunteers joined the Laguna Relief and Resource Center in providing a hot meal, as well as hygiene kits, sleeping bags, backpacks, hats, scarves and socks on Saturday, Dec. 15 at the Laguna Presbyterian Church.

Community and church volunteers cooked, Girl Scouts sang, Boy Scouts served the guests, and sleeping bags, backpacks and other items were offered as gifts.

Many Lagunans contributed financially to help with the event, while others offered their time, including church members Erika Waidley, Brian Back and Rick Shoemaker, as well as Ed Sauls, who handled the duties as emcee.

Ann Richardson from the LDS Mormon church handed out t gifts.

Suzy Campbell, sang Christmas music, assisted on the piano by Donna Valenti and Carol Reynolds.

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