Ban Speedboarding in My Neighborhood



I have been meaning to write for several weeks, but reading the letters in The Independent this week prompted me to drop everything and respond.

Two days before the last City Council meeting I had a frightening experience while driving home. I was slowly driving up Park as I was listening intently to a CD book, and as I turned on one of the curves near the top, a speedboarder darted right in front of me, obviously out of control. Luckily, he was able to quickly veer to the other side as I applied my brakes. I was visibly shaken for the next several hours, not angry at this young person, but reflecting on the horror I would have felt had he hit me. The fact that it would have not been my fault did not even enter my mind. My concern for a life that could have been lost was paramount in my mind.

That evening I planned to attend the council meeting a few days later but was unable due to a work commitment.

I am now appalled at the tenor of the letters, which favor allowing these speedboarders access to Park as well as to the other steep hills. One refers to his skateboard as a means of transportation to the beach? Another speaks of the rights of skateboarders. By law they have no rights, and more importantly, little or no control as they speed down the hills.

Cyclists at least abide by the traffic laws and have a great deal of control. I am a high school counselor in Riverside, and we do not allow students to ride skateboards on campus at any time, including before or after school when few people are on campus. The skateboards are viewed as dangerous to the safety of others.

Conversely, I was very impressed with the legitimacy of the letters favoring the ban. The overall tone was concern for safety, rather than juvenile anger about drivers needing to retire to “homes” and anger that letters of concern are dispensed on mailboxes.

I am all in favor of some type of skate park/designated safe area for the skateboarders, but please, please consider the apparent dangers of skateboarding down these hills and include Park in the ban.

Mary Ricks, Laguna Beach



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