Stitching Together Holiday Cheer

Needle Arts Guild members, from left, Dona Harman, Mary Lewis, Maria Martini, Jean Arovas, Adrienne Sheinwald, Olga Whitcomb Mary Alderson, Maureen Buffington (seated) Yves Newman, June Ann Pribram, Roberta Luque (seated), and Diane McPherson.
Needle Arts Guild members, from left, Dona Harman, Mary Lewis, Maria Martini, Jean Arovas, Adrienne Sheinwald, Olga Whitcomb
Mary Alderson, Maureen Buffington (seated) Yves Newman, June Ann Pribram, Roberta Luque (seated), and Diane McPherson.

By Dona Harman, Special to the Independent

The Susi Q NeedleArts Guild was busy last Friday, Nov. 22, wrapping over 75 hand-knit and crochet accessories to bring cheer this holiday season to residents of Friendship Shelter and Glennwood Home as well as the homeless through their donation to the Laguna Beach Net-Works Organization.

Hats, scarves, mittens and fingerless gloves were each wrapped along with a written message of warmth to brighten the holiday season of each recipient.

“It is a great way for us to give back to our community,” said Jean Arovas, one of the organizers.  Along with Dona Harman and Lisa Triebwasser, the group was founded five years ago and has about 15 active members.

From left, guild members Maria Martini, Yves Newman and Roberta Luque finish up their packaging.
From left, guild members Maria Martini, Yves Newman and Roberta Luque finish up their packaging.

In addition, earlier this year their handiwork produced 40 handmade lap blankets and shawls, donated to Mission Hospital for cancer patients receiving treatment.

The Guild’s work is supported by local businesses, including Sue Palmer, owner of Strands and Stitches yarn shop, and CVS drug store, which donated personal care products for gift bags. The Susi Q Center serves as the group’s foundation, providing a work room and storage for their supplies.

“It takes a village and we have a great one!” said Harman, who invites those interested to join the guild. No experience is necessary and the next meeting will be Friday, Jan. 31, 1-3 p.m. at the Susi Q Senior Center. Members are happy to teach knitting or crochet. Supplies and yarn are available for donated projects.

Dona Harman lives in Three Arch Bay.


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